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Start with a vision of the end

So this is it! My first post in a (hopefully) long series focused on ... Right, what do I want to focus on?
I really had to dive deep into my inner self to discover what is the purpose of this blog. Upon detailed investigation, I found at least several:

1. I really enjoy war games. I devote a lot of my spare time to play them, read/talk about them. Since I found myself to be hyperactive at the same time, I want to use the blog to give an outlet to my passion and a means to explore it in a new way.

2. I love Flames of War an feel pretty competent at it. I think this platform is a good way to share my experience and level the playing field a bit for generals that do not feel so good about their skill as well as maybe convince some new players to join the hobby. With this in mind, I expect that a lot of space and thought will go towards FoW related topics.

3. I also play some other war games: Infinity, 40k, WHFB (haven't played GW games for a long time now). With these, I do not feel so competent :) Maybe reading some feedback about my poor lists or hopeless performance at a tournament could help me increase my performance!

4. Last but not least, I hope to bring in some articles focused on all aspects of geekiness like: movies, computer games, board games etc. I really find blogs devoted to only one subject a bit boring. I do not want to repeat the same mistake myself.

Ok, so this is my vision. Please keep your fingers crossed that I can be persistent enough to keep the blog going and read/comment on :)
